Labaik Capsule - Uric Acid, Gout, Rheumatics

Labaik Capsule - Uric Acid, Gout, Rheumatics


Labaik Capsules - This is an herbal remedy to treat uric acid, gout, rheumatic, sciatica and other diseases.

Benefits of Labaik Capsules:
1. Gout,
2. Stress,
3. Chronic rheumatism,
4. Swollen feet,
5. Stiff Muscles,
6. Lowers Cholesterol,
7. Destroying Blood Clots,
8. Fever,
9. Bronhitis,
10. Meriang,
11. Stabilizing Hormones,
12. Maintain stamina so as to make people live long

Labaik Capsule
Labaika Capsule
Composition Labaik capsules:
Extract from materials:
Phylanti Herba 150mg
Centellae Herba 150mg
Sochi Folium100mg
Zingiberis Rhizoma 50mg,
Amomi Fructus 50mg

HOW TO USE Labaik Capsule:
maintain health 1 time in three days 1 capsule
prevention of disease 2 times a day 1 capsule
treatment of the disease 2 times a day 2 capsules

PACKAGING Labaik Capsule:
1 Box contains 12 sachets @ 4 capsules

Arga Jaya Sukses

Keep your healthy foods away from Okra e.g (Coffee, Belino, etc)

Labaik Capsules

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