Lasmi Natural Slimming Capsules For Women

Lasmi Natural Slimming Capsules For Women

There are a lot of slimming drugs on the market ranging from the capsule, tablet, liquid, cream, as well as the type of herbal slimming. There is a production of drawing this and abroad. but if you are a taboo any slimming drugs in the market are all safe and secure in consumption expired period (or shelf life of the drug). as well as lab test if it was safe. of course this question into consideration all of us.

Now comes the slimming drugs that they actually safe to eat safe without any side effects, is already through the test lab and test quality. in addition to the packaging and the bottle is very safe and secure. namely natural slimming drugs, or commonly called Lasmi.

Lasmi is herbal slimming is very useful for women have also been tested in BPOM. Lasmi is a natural slimming drugs have efficacy and usefulness as follows:

1. Lose excess weight without side effects,
2. Lose your weight, up to 5-15kg within 2 months only.
3. Shaping the body becomes Idial, singset and sexy
4. Suppress appetite, reduce cravings, keeps the body slim.
5. Burn fat, excess fat in the body
6. skim CHAPTER

Natural Slimming Capsules

Guazumae ulmifolia Folium
Murrayae paniculata Folium
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
Punicae Granati Cortex
Curcumae Heynianae Rhizoma
Parameriae barbata Cortex
Rhizoma Zingiber Purpurei

1 box = 30 capsules,

Drinking rules:
To help you lose weight Take 1 capsule 30 minutes before meals 3 x 1 capsule per day.
To help keep the weight Take 2 x 1 capsules.

Attention!! :
It is recommended drink plenty of water
The use of these products must be accompanied by:
* Regular exercise
* Diet low in calories and low in fat
Not for disease hypertension / high blood
Not for lactating and pregnant women
Prohibited for people with heart disease
Prohibited for people with chronic heartburn disease

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