Wantong Capsule for Gout, Uric acid, Rheumatism

Wantong Capsule for Gout, Uric acid, Rheumatism

Wantong capsule - Diseases of gout is now increasingly rampant. What more with the consumption level of Indonesian food which is now further away from the healthy lifestyle. Even if we want to start a healthy lifestyle, it would be very difficult with fewer food stalls hawking healthy foods with balanced nutrition.

Due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle is not a good one disease that arises is Uric Acid. But suffering gout is not something light because uric acid When you're acting up, your joints will be excruciating. It can interfere with work or daily activities. But, you don't have to worry. Instead of using modern methods today are likely to be dangerous and cause more side effects Capsules use traditional herbal medicine Wantong, with this capsule uric acid you will be back to normal and your activities will not be interrupted.

Wantong Capsule

Wantong Capsule Efficacy and Benefits

Wantong in capsules made from natural ingredients that are proven efficacious lowering levels of uric acid in the blood. Among them are Zingiberis Rhizoma, Cobotii Rhizoma, Herba Asari, and Epimedi Herba. All the herbs were taken from the garden that is already assured quality and has been recognized by health agencies that have good quality and also the maximum usefulness. The plants produce the particular composition formulated with an efficacious cure Wantong capsule:

    Back pain
    shoulder pain
    Joint pain
    Stiff neck
    Uric acid

These diseases will be cured as you continue to consume this herbal medicine. Since this is made from natural ingredients, capsules Wantong not cause any side effects to your body. This herbal medicine is safe when taken as directed. So you have to read the rules of use in advance in order to know how many doses you need.


1. Zingiberis rhizoma 150mg
2. Cobotii rhizimz 150mg
3. Asari herbaceous 100mg
4. Eoimedii herbaceous 100mg
5. BKO 10%

maintain health first time in three days 1 capsule
prevention of disease 2 times daily 1 capsule
disease treatment 2 times a day 2 capsules

 ATTENTION!! Avoid foods such as nuts, offal, squash and a shortage of drinking coffee and smoking .in order that you suffer illness recover quickly
These herbs do not have the number, the Food & Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), because it contains elements of chemicals, drugs, (dexamethasone, Fenilbutason, and paracetamol) about 20% ...... but very efficacious for the disease you are suffering so will speedy recovery .. therefore must be considered the rules of use !!!!!

1. Treatment of chronic, drink 2x a day (2 capsules)
1. Treatment of chronic, drink 2 times a day (2 capsules)
2. Treatment of mild, drink 3 times a day (1 capsule)
3. Prevention: drink 1 time a day (1 capsule, Regular consumption every day until 1box (48 capsules),
4. Maintain a healthy, drink 1 time in 3 days (1 capsule)
5. Reproduction of this herbal drink, for patients with renal and hepatic impairment
6. In the event of allergic symptoms such as: scourge of breath, itchy rash, and dizziness after taking capsules of this, please stopped, because these herbs are not suitable, the possibility of drug allergy, although efficacious against the disease that you are suffering.
7. If already drink more than 1box, but also no change in the disease you are suffering, please drink herbal halted .... !!!
8. There should not consume these herbs, in large numbers / redundant, maximal 20 boxes, for chronic. and maximal 10 boxes for prevention. If the redundant later would lead to kidney failure and liver disorders
9. Do not take herbal capsules fake / imitation and consultation with the parties selling

Description BKO effects were conceived, among others:
1. Dexamethasone can cause a moon face, retention of fluids and electrolytes, hyperglycemia, glaucoma (increased pressure within the eyeball), growth disorders, osteoporosis, decreased resistance to infection, myopathy (muscle weakness), stomach, hormone disorders and others.
2. Fenilbutason can cause nausea, vomiting, skin rash, fluid and electrolyte retention (edema), stomach bleeding, stomach pain, bleeding or perforation, hypersensitivity reactions, hepatitis, nephritis, kidney failure, leukopenia, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis and so on other.
3. Paracetamol in the use of time can cause disturbance / damage to the kidneys and liver.

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